Ratings can be appealed automatically through the Automated Appeal In TennisLink under “FIND NTRP Rating Information” or by selecting the link at the top right side of “My Tennis Page.” Please note, you must log in to your account in order to appeal.

Who Can appeal?
1) Computer rated players – Up or Down
2) Mixed Exclusive – Up or Down
3) Tournament Exlcusive – Up or Down
4) Self-rate who wish to move UP only

What must be referred/heard by the Section or their designee?
1) Self-rated players who wish to move DOWN
2) All medical appeals
3) Already APPEALED ratings

Note: You must be logged in to TennisLink in order to appeal your rating.

Appeal Points of Interest:

  • Appealing will NOT reveal your rating in 100th of a point.
  • You will receive an automatic response advising whether Granted or Denied.
  • Once you select UP or DOWN and click SUBMIT at the bottom of the appeal page your request is final. You cannot go back.
  • When appealing UP, the player's rating is compared to the player's current play level to see if it is within range.
  • When appealing DOWN, the player's rating is compared to the next play level below the player's level to see if it is within range.
  • Only a player logged into their USTA Account may appeal their rating.